Smoking appears to be unrelated to mesothelioma injury. However, the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure may increase the risk of other forms of cancer.
Asbestos was used to make many different materials, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles and insulation. Particles released from any of these materials can be inhaled or carried home on clothing-- where they expose family members to the risk of mesothelioma.
Generally, it takes 20 to 40 years from the time of asbestos exposure until symptoms appear or pleural mesothelioma is diagnosed. This time is called the "latency" period.
Mesothelioma is a serious disease. Half of the patients diagnosed at an early stage and treated aggressively live two years from the date of the diagnosis. One in five are still alive five years after diagnosis. Many patients live more than five years after diagnosis.
If you are a loved one and interested in pursuing an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit, please contact us for more information.
We often get results in seven months or less. We can help you protect your family and get the compensation you deserve.
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